Operation: XBMC on my Nexus Q.

Step 1: Download all the developer tools that are required. This resource helped me with that: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1917237

Basically, go to: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#download and download the ADT bundle. Double Click on the Android unix exec file located in the screenshot i just took. You will probably have to CMD click on it to open it.

An Android SDK manager will pop up. Check the  “Android SDK Tools” and “Android SDK Platform-tools“.  Click install and wait for them to download. (Didn’t take long for me)

When they finish downloading, go into the platform-tools folder inside your android folder, then copy adb and fastboot and paste them into the root of your android folder. (see the second screenshot I took where I highlight these 2 files) We copied these to the root of the android folder to make it easier to type the terminal commands.

Problem: When we type in the command adb devices… there are no devices attached.

mac:android gmac$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
mac:android gmac$


looks like you need a nexus tablet or phone with te Nexus Q app on it.

thanks http://bliny.net/blog/post/Putting-Nexus-Q-in-Debug-Mode.aspx for the tip!

Jelly Bean 4.2 has a sneaky way to become a developer. see http://fevenis.tumblr.com/post/36959683177/android42devoptions

Once you are a developer on the nexus device (i used a nexus 7) turn on usb debugging.

Now, launch the Nexus Q app, click on the device, select advanced and turn un USB debugging on the Nexus Q. SUCCESS

Now when we run the ./adb devices from the terminal you see the Nexus Q.


Alright, now that we see the device we can unlock it.

To do this you need to type:
./adb reboot bootloader
./fastboot oem unlock
./fastboot oem unlock_accept

the third command needs to come within 5 seconds of the first. or it wont work.

The nexus Q will do a lot of things, but end with:

(bootloader) Erasing succeeded
(bootloader) Setting device to unlocked
(bootloader) Writing to environment partition on mmc0…
(bootloader) done
OKAY [ 5.866s]
finished. total time: 5.866s

The physical device will flash a few different colours, but then return to blue.

Now, down to serious business.

Download the nightly build for CyanogenMod: http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=steelhead

See this post for the next options… http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/ClockWorkMod_Instructions


following instructions for nexus 7.. http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_grouper


  1. Download koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery.
    • koush’s ClockworkMod Recovery: download
      md5: 686f101f1cd753813dafa6497192a512
  2. Connect the Nexus 7 to the computer via USB.
  3. Make sure the fastboot binary is in your PATH or that you place the downloaded image in the same directory as fastboot.
  4. Open a terminal on your PC and reboot the device into fastboot mode by typing adb reboot bootloader or by using the hardware key combination.
  5. Once the device is in fastboot mode, verify your PC sees the device by typing fastboot devices
    • If you don’t see your device serial number, and instead see “<waiting for device>”, fastboot is not configured properly on your machine. See fastboot documentation for more info.
  6. Flash ClockworkMod Recovery onto your device by entering the following command: fastboot flash recovery your_recovery_image.img where the latter part is the name of the file you downloaded.
  7. Once the flash completes successfully, reboot the device into recovery to verify the installation.
    • Note: Some ROMs overwrite recovery at boot time so if you do not plan to immediately boot into recovery to install CyanogenMod, please be aware that this may overwrite your custom recovery with the stock one.


that did not work..




proper command:

./fastboot boot cm-10.1-20130124-NIGHTLY-steelhead/boot.img


./adb push cm-10.1-20130124-NIGHTLY-steelhead.zip /sdcard/





scrap all of this.

do the following:



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